Electronic waste, also known as “e-waste”, is an electronic product that has become unwanted, non-working, obsolete, or is nearing the end of its useful life. Computers, cell phones, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products that can contain materials that are hazardous if disposed of improperly.
Before disposing of your electronic equipment, consider donating or selling it to someone who can still use it. If the item cannot be repaired, you should recycle it. The City of Vacaville has several options available to residents looking to recycling their e-waste.
Residents may drop off e-waste at the following locations:
Recology Vacaville Solano Recyclingand Household Hazardous Waste Facility 855 ½ Davis Street, Vacaville, CA 95687 707-448-2945 OPEN: Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Note: This service is available for electronic items from the homes of residents of Vacaville, Dixon, and Unincorporated Solano County only. There is a five item limit per Saturday and residents must be able to carry and unload their own equipment.
Goodwill Industries 1317 East Monte Vista Avenue, Vacaville, CA 95688 707-446-8203 OPEN: Monday – Saturday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Note: Items must be brought to the store’s donation station during open business hours. Occasionally, the facility will not be able to accept electronic items due to storage capacity.

For large or bulky electronic items, Vacaville residents are entitled to one free curbside pickup each calendar year as part of the Residential Cleanup Program. Please call Recology Vacaville Solano at 448-2945 to schedule your curbside pick-up.
Call2Recycle is a battery stewardship organization offering no-cost battery and cell phone recycling. Below are businesses in Vacaville that participate in Call2Recycle programs:
Home Depot 510 Orange Drive
Lowe’s Home Improvement 1751 East Monte Vista Avenue
Best Buy 1621 East Monte Vista Avenue
Non-Profit Groups:
Neurofibromatosis, Inc. 707-469-0467 http://www.nfcalifornia.org/ Provides educational meetings and support groups to families affected by Neurofibromatosis collects old cell phones and printer cartridges
Recycle Free 805-796-6307 http://recyclefree.com/ Accepts used printer cartridges and cell phones
Cartridges for Kids 1-800-420-0235 https://www.cfktoday.com/ Collects old cell phones and printer cartridges. Fundraising opportunities available for schools and organizations.
The City of Vacaville has partnered with Gone for Good, a social enterprise of United Cerebral Palsy of the North Bay to provide FREE e-waste and shredding events monthly beginning in April and continuing through October. The events are held in the rear parking lot at Vacaville City Hall located at 650 Merchant Street between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. For more information or to inquire about upcoming events, please call the City of Vacaville at (707) 469-6509.
2021 UPDATE: Free Paper Shredding Events have been cancelled for 2021. The City’s non-profit partner has faced significant operating challenges due to COVID-19. Most significantly, their employees are individuals with disabilities and are considered high-risk. For the safety of their staff, they have made the decision not to hold their events in 2021. It is expected that these events will resume in the spring of 2022. Thank you for your understanding.