Commercial Recycling Laws

From curbing short-lived climate pollutants through organics recycling requirements to reducing single-use plastics in the restaurant industry – California is leading the way in recycling legislation. Here are some important recycling laws that apply to California businesses:

  • AB 1276: Single Use Plastics Reduction (June 1, 2022): In addition to California’s ban on single-use plastic straws, AB 1276 addresses the distribution of single-use food accessories and standard condiments such as utensils, cups, packets, straws, and stirrers. As of June 1, 2022, California law requires certain businesses to provide single-use food accessories to consumers only upon request, as well as limits third-party delivery of single-use accessories unless specifically requested by the consumer.
  • AB 1276 Fact Sheet:
    AB 1276 Bill Text:
  • SB 1383: Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Reduction Bill (January 1, 2022): Considered California’s most ambitious recycling law in decades, SB 1383 requires all businesses in California to recycle their organic waste beginning January 1, 2022. Additional requirements for edible food recovery apply to larger, commercial food generators. SB 1383 also includes requirements for business owners to provide annual education and training to employees on proper sorting of waste.
  • SB 1383 Info Sheet: Commercial info sheet
    SB 1383 Bill Text:
  • AB 827: Customer Access to Recycling (July 1, 2020): Intended to educate and involve customers in achieving the State’s recycling goals, AB 827 requires businesses to provide easily accessible recycling and/or organics collection bins in customer areas to collect materials generated from products purchased on the premises starting July 1, 2020. All commercial food service establishments that provide food for purchase and immediate consumption on-site are required to comply with AB 827, with exceptions made for full-service restaurants.
    The City of Vacaville and Recology Vacaville Solano have complimentary AB 827-compliant bin labels and sorting posters (English/Spanish/Tagalog) available to all commercial customers. Call the City of Vacaville Solid Waste and Recycling Office at (707) 469-6507 or email to request supplies.
  • AB 827 FAQ’s:
    AB 827 Bill Text:

SB 1383 Commercial Info Sheet ↓

Commercial Info Sheet Download

SB 1383 Edible Food Generator Guide ↓

Commercial Info Sheet Download

Recology Vacaville
Solano Recycling Center

855 1/2 Davis St.
OPEN: Tues - Sat 9:00a-3:00p
For more information call
707-448-2945 • Mon - Fri 8:00a-5:00p